Category Archives: Intelligence System

Intelligence System Final Project : Face Scanning System


We would like to create a contact book which could be add real-time. It is basically the ultimate contact book. The idea started when we would like to try to detect face and it attribute to generate a model for each user. It fell upon a unique system for adding face data and his/her attribute. So, it would be able to sync up with our face database and the person face.

How It Works


  • In the interface, we’re using Node JS to send data to Python Flask
  • Python Flask then compare the picture image it receive with our face database
  • We create a embedding of the image to be compare with our SVC (Support Vector Classifier – a subset of SVM ~ Support Vector Machine) which has been fitted with a linear kernel.
  • It would output the person data which is save in TXT file
  • Falsk would send back the result to Node JS


  • In Training mode, Node JS would send 20 pictures to FLASK
  • It would be split 80% Training & 20% Testing
  • Then, It’ll use MTCNN to brake down the images to their face
  • Using Facenet to get the facial features
  • After that, create an embedding of the faces
  • Using SVC to train the model
  • Lastly, Add all of it to a single save state file


  • We face an error in call thread function when combining flask and tensorflow
  • We solved it by calling the function via os.system(“”)

Future Works

We would like to connect it with social media API. Then, we could compare their facial data with the profile picture. Afterwards, we ask like is this the person your looking for.


Team Members



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Intelligence System

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Artificial Intelligence

Any technique which enables computer to mimic human behavior

Machine Learning

Subset of AI techniques which use statistical methods to enable machines to improve with experiences

Deep Learning

Subset of ML which make the computation of multi-layer neural networks feasible

Type of Machine Learning Techniques

  • Supervised
    ” Optimize performance criteria using experience”
  • Unsupervised
    ” Find features for categorization”
    ” Taken place in real time”
  • Reinforcement
    ” To maximize some notion of cumulative reward”

Comparison Supervised versus Unsupervised

ProcessInput & Output will be givenOnly Input data will be given
Input DataLabeledUnlabeled
AlgorithmsSVM (Support Vector Machine), Neural Network, Linear and Logistics Regression, Random Forest, Classification TreesClustering Algorithm, K-Means, Hierarchical clustering
Computational ComplexitySimplerComplex
Use of DataTraining Data (Link Input with Output)Doesn’t use Output Data
Accuracy of ResultsHighly accurate Less accurate
Real Time LearningOfflineReal time
Number of ClassesKnownUnknown
Main DrawbackBig Data can be a real challengeCannot get precise information