Title : Mobile Phone Store
Amount of Table : Approx. 8 – 10 Tables
Deadline : 13th Week of Database System
Project Team :
- Ivan Ezechial Suratno, 2101693920
- http://2101693920ivan.blog.binusian.org/
- David Honasan, 2101693933
- http://2101693933david.blog.binusian.org/
General Description : We’ll try to create offline system mobile phone store.
Description (SQL) : The system that are thought are Buyer and Seller (Admin) as the user login input. We will create a multiple seller and buyer that can do trading system. The description of the phone are detail in the linking such as the table mobile phone will have a subsidiaries table that containing the detail of each one specs (For instance, mobile phone will have a processor detail that are contain in the other table).The visual basic description will be created by David Honasan.
Section of Creation* :
- Ivan Ezechial Suratno : Database (MariaDB)
- David Honasan : Visual Basic (vb.net)
Exception :
* Even though there are section, the project is created together backing one and another.